High Oaks Secondary
Welcome to High Oaks!
Earl Collins - Head of School
At Oaklands, we are proud of the standard of education we are able to offer. Oaklands School was awarded an ‘Outstanding’ grade by Ofsted, and we have also achieved the ‘Advanced level’ accreditation award by the National Autistic Society. We aim to meet the individual needs of all of our pupils so that they can all make the best progress possible.
High Oaks is our secondary and sixth form provision based in our purpose built school on the Gresham Road Site, we cater for students between the ages of 11 -19. High Oaks is divided into 4 departments:
Kew department – for students with severe learning difficulties and autism
Syon department – for students with severe learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities and autism.
Richmond department– for students with profound and multiple learning disabilities
Osterley/Crane department: Sixth form students
At High Oaks we follow the National Curriculum which has been adapted to meet the needs of our learners. Students have access to a rich and varied curriculum which includes lessons that are taught by specialist teacher’s such as: Art, Design Technology, PE and swimming. We are extremely fortunate to have amazing facilities for our students to use to enable them to have the best possible school experience.
Students in our Richmond department follow a sensory curriculum that has been designed especially to meet their needs.
Staff are skilled in delivering bespoke programmes to our students whilst always ensuring independence is promoted throughout all aspects of the school day.