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New Oaks Primary


Phonics and Reading

In New Oaks, we use the Jolly Phonics scheme both for reading and for phonic knowledge development. We deliver phonic refresh and recap lessons daily as well as longer structured lessons twice per week. All pupils have been assessed, and individual starting points have been identified for all pupils. 

We have adapted the Jolly Phonics scheme to include two additional strands, Sensory and pre-phonics. This allows all pupils to be able to take part and progress through the scheme. We have identified that although phonics supports understanding with regard to decoding and spelling, it does not support the pupil’s comprehension. In order to help our pupils comprehend what they are reading, we also have two literacy lessons per week which focus on a specific text which is linked to our current school topic.

Furthermore, students in our Key stage 2 ASD classes are streamlined by their ability to participate in Phonic lessons. This ensures that all pupils are accessing the scheme at the correct level and are being challenged appropriately.

We teach phonics through a multisensory approach to ensure that it is inclusive for all pupils. Some may access reading through sensory stories and others by decoding the text themselves.  This is why teaching Phonics is so important. It helps our students understand how a word is made up and how to decode a word in order to enjoy reading.

It is important to us that our learners have the opportunity to read and be read to. We feel passionately about reading and the benefits it brings to our learners and promote a 'reading for pleasure' environment across the school. At Oaklands, this is through learners having access to different types of books with adults modelling how to hold them correctly, turning pages and following the text in the correct direction. Staff will regularly read aloud and use a multi-sensory approach to make the stories come alive. We are also regularly updating our library with a variety of texts to embed a love for reading.



Writing, Speaking and Listening 

Handwriting at New Oaks is taught through a multisensory approach. A focus on handwriting is embedded into each lesson as well as being delivered through phonic teaching. Students will participate in handwriting activities during daily literacy lessons and these are adapted to meet their individual starting points. For many of our learners, developing a strong foundation in developing fine and gross motor skills as well as engaging in pre-writing skills is a key component in the lessons. For others, letter formation is a key area of focus.

Speaking and listening activities are incorporated into all subjects across the curriculum as this is a main area for student development. The classroom learning is supported by working collaboratively with Speech and Language therapists who will deliver weekly lessons to each class group. They will also work with the class team and offer support and guidance to families. 

Our students use a range of Augmentive and Alternative Communication (AAC) methods including PECS, Makaton, Core boards, High Tech AAC, Core boards and switches. All pupils are assessed and provided with a Speech and Language programme to support their learning. Communication is always encouraged in all areas of the school day. This helps our students understand that communication is not subject specific and should be used in all areas of their lives.


Oaklands School,
Gresham Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569

Oaklands School,
Woodlands Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569