Oaklands Home School Agreement
School will
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which gives students a range of educational opportunities.
- Ensure that each student has an IEP to meet their specific learning needs.
- Provide parents with timetables and daily or weekly diaries where appropriate.
- Provide students with homeworking activities on a termly basis and review when these are completed.
- Ensure parents are provided with copies of therapy programmes which need to be carried out at home as part of homeworking.
- Send home a half termly newsletter.
- Arrange a yearly Annual Review meeting.
- Encourage independence and social skills.
- Ensure that we provide a safe, happy, respectful environment where all students are valued and encouraged to develop to their full potential.
- Deal with any concerns promptly.
- Offer support and advice when requested.
Students will
- Follow school and class rules.
- Attend school regularly.
- Wear correct school uniform in Key stages 3 and 4.
- Try hard.
- Treat others with respect.
- Respect school property.
Parents will
- Support the school aims.
- Make every effort to attend parent’s evenings
- Attend Annual review meetings.
- Keep students off school when they are unwell.
- Provide school with an emergency contact in case they themselves are not available to deal with an emergency.
- Have a plan for collecting students if they become ill at school.
- Support students to complete their homeworking activities regularly and communicate with school any updates and questions.
- Use students communication systems as indicated in their speech and language therapy programme at home.
- Inform school promptly of any medical appointments or reasons why students are not in school.
- Check bags and diaries for letters/communication from school.
- Return home school diaries/ sign to confirm that these have been read/ return permission slips promptly.
- Label all items of clothing.
- Ensure that students have the appropriate items needed to participate in all activities (P.E/Swimming/ Pads/ Hat/ Sunscreen/ Coat /freedom pass for travel training etc)
- Encourage students to be as independent as possible.
- Arrange holidays in school holiday times only.
- Inform school of any changes which may affect health, learning or behaviour (E.g. medication/home circumstances etc).