The Curriculum
Within Little Oaks, learning for students in nursery and reception is delivered by following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. Within the EYFS, there are seven areas of learning. These are considered either prime or specific areas.
The prime areas of learning are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development: This area helps to shape children’s social skills and develops respect and an understanding of their different feelings.
- Physical Development: This area focuses on supporting children to be physically active, develop fine and gross motor skills. It also focuses on making healthy food choices and developing independence in personal care.
- Communication and Language: Providing an environment for young children to express themselves and speak and listen in a range of situations allows them to develop their language and communication skills.
The specific areas of learning are:
- Literacy: It is important for children to discover phonemic awareness – the ability to hear and identify different words and sounds, and also to start reading and writing.
- Maths: Children need to be guided in developing skills with numbers and calculations, as well as being able to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.
- Expressive Arts and Design: The chance to express themselves and learn new things.
- Understanding the World: This involves children understanding similarities between themselves and others, making sense of things by observing and exploring everything from the places they spend time to the technology and other things that they use.
Although students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties experience all seven areas of learning, learning is focused on the three prime areas and is delivered through a multisensory approach.
Key Stage 1 and 2
From Year 1 to Year 6, learning is provided to the students by adapting the National Curriculum to match their abilities whilst challenging them to achieve their potential. Learning is delivered by drawing links to various topics across the year.
Subjects that are covered include:
- English
- Maths
- Topic
- PE including swimming
- Music
- Food Technology
Learning for subjects such as PSHE, Computing and Art are included into the students’ weekly timetable.
For students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, learning continues to be delivered through multi-sensory approaches.
The students do not engage in specific subjects but learning focuses on the following areas:
- Communication
- Cognition
- Physical/sensory
- Independence
Learning Approaches
At Oaklands all students currently benefit from a range of interventions and approaches that are embedded into classroom practice. These include:
- Makaton
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Intensive interaction
- Team Teach
- Core boards
For PMLD students, the following approaches are also used to support learning:
- Story Massage
- Body signing
- TacPac
- Sensory Integration
Multi-professional Support
At New Oaks, we are fortunate to have a multi-professional team that also support the students. The following therapists are commissioned by NHS to work with the students, their families and their school staff to support each child to meet their specific targets as specified in their Education, Health and Care Plan. Therapists include Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapists. Educational Psychologists will also visit the school to provide support when needed.